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How can we help you?

Click on the button above to tell us about your existing order or if you'd like us to source products for you.
Use MISTAKE + order number to tell us urgently about a problem with your order before we send it.
Use RETURN + order number to tell us about a refund or exchange.
Use ENQUIRY to find out about a product.
We will scan for MISTAKE emails before packing orders before 12 noon during office hours.
We will respond to other emails as soon as possible, but please allow up to 48 hours during busy times.
This may mean that is it more than 2 days, due to our office hours.
Click on the button above to email us about classes / workshops / parties / events.
More information can be found on the Classes page.
We look forward to returning to in-person classes and workshops once Government restrictions have been lifted. These are in place to keep as many people safe as possible.
We will respond to all emails as soon as possible, but please allow up to 48 hours during busy times. This may mean that is it more than 2 days, due to our office hours.

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